C++ dictionary

 #include <stdio.h>

#include <string> //string.h

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; //remove

int main()


    string dict[43][2] = {

        {"artificial intelligence (AI) ", "Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science "},

        {"Anchor text", " Anchor text is the clickable text"},

        {"Backlink ", " A backlink is a link created when one website links to another "},

        {"Bing ", " The name of Microsofts search engine"


        {"Black Hat", " Risky tactics that go against Googles Webmaster Guidelines "},

        {"Bot ", " crawler"},

        {"Cloaking ", " Showing different content or URLs to people and search engines. A violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines."},

        {"content", "Data "},

        {"Conversion Rate Optimisation", "The process of improving the number or quality of conversions that occur on a website. "},

        {"crawler", " A program use search engine use to crawl the web"},

        {"crawling ", " the process of gathering information "},

        {"Directory", " A list of websites "},

        {"Dofollow link", " Any link without the nofollow attribute is a dofollow link."},

        {"Domain", " A website address"},

        {"Doorway page ", " Webpages that are created to rank in search engines for specific keywords only for the purpose of redirecting users who click on that page to a different website."},

        {"Footer link ", " Links appear in the bottom sectioN of a website"},

        {"Google boat", " The web crawling system Google uses to find and add new websites and webpages to its index."},

        {"Hidden text ", " Any text that can’t be seen by a user "},

        {"HTML", " Hyper text markup language HTML tags are specific code elements that can be used to improve the effectiveness of SEO for webpages and websites"},

        {"HTTP ", " The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is how data is transferred from a computer server to a web browser."},

        {"HTTPS ", " Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt data transferred between a website and web browser. HTTPS is a minor Google ranking factor. "},

        {"Index ", " The data base search engines use to store and retrieve information gathered during the crawling process. "},

        {"Indexability ", " How easily a search engine bot can understand and add a webpage to its index "},

        {"IP", " address An Internet Protocol Address"},

        {"java script ", " A programming language "},

        {"keyword density ", " repetition of words "},

        {"Keyword Stuffing", " Adding irrelevant word "},

        {"Link ", " A connection between two websites built using HTML code"},

        {"Link juice", " Link juice is slang used to describe and measure how much power a backlink passes onto another site and therefore strengthens it"},

        {"Long tail keyword ", " Less popular keywords that have low search volume that are usually easier to rank for "},

        {"Meta keywords", " A tag that can be added to the “head section of an HTML document"},

        {"Meta tags ", " Information that appears in the HTML source code of a webpage to describe its contents to search engines "},

        {"Nofollow links ", "Not impact search engine rankings"},

        {"Organic search ", " the most relevant result based on their query. "},

        {"Personalization ", " When search engines use search history "},

        {"quary", " User inters into a search engine "},

        {"Rank ", " Where a webpage appears within the organic search results for a specific query. "},

        {"Spider ", " Bot "},

        {"SSL certificate ", " using Secure Sockets Layer technology."},

        {"Stop word", "ignored word to save time"},

        {"Webpage", " A document that exists on the World Wide Web and can be viewed by web browsers"},

        {"Website", " A collection of webpages hosted together on the World Wide Web "},

        {"Word press", " A popular blogging and content management system "}};

    // char seo[1000];

    string seo;

    printf("SEO word:");

    // fgets(seo);

    getline(cin, seo);

    int val;

    int i;

    int c = 0;

    // for(i = 0;i < 43 ;i++){

    // val=seo.compare(dict[i][0]);

    // // val =strcmp(seo, dict[i][0]);

    // if(val==0){

    // printf("Meaning of word is %s\n",dict[i][1]);

    // }

    // else{

    // c++;

    // }

    // if(c==43)

    // printf("not in dictionary.!");

    // }

    // printf("not in dictionary.!");

    for (int i = 0; i < 43; i++)


        val = seo.compare(dict[i][0]);

        // cout<<"val is: "<<val;

        if (val == 0)


            // printf("Meaning of word is %s\n", dict[i][1]);

            cout<<"meaning of word: "<< dict[i][1];




    return 0;



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