Applied mathematics question with solution

 Note remember page numbers

To separate the real and imaginary parts of log z, we put x = r cos q; y = r sin q

w = log z = log (x + iy) 

⇒ u + iv = log (r cos q + ir sin q) = log r(cos q + i sin q) = loge 

A function f (z) is said to be analytic at a point z0
, if f is differentiable not only at z0
 but at 
every point of some neighbourhood of z0
A function f (z) is analytic in a domain if it is analytic at every point of the domain.
The point at which the function is not differentiable is called a singular point of the function.
An analytic function is also known as “holomorphic”, “regular”, “monogenic”.
Entire Function. A function which is analytic everywhere (for all z in the complex plane) 
is known as an entire function.
For Example 1. Polynomials rational functions are entire.
 2. | | z 2 is differentiable only at z = 0. So it is no where analytic.
Note: (i) An entire is always analytic, differentiable and continuous function. But converse 
is not true.
 (ii) Analytic function is always differentiable and continuous. But converse is not 
(iii) A differentiable function is always continuous. But converse is not true
Theorem. The necessary conditions for a function f (z) = u + iv to be analytic at all the 
points in a region R are
y (ii) ∂
∂  , exist.
Proof: Let f (z) be an analytic function in a region R,
 f (z) = u + iv,
where u and v are the functions of x and y.
Let du and dv be the increments of u and v respectively corresponding to increments dx and 
dy of x and y.
\ f (z + dz) = (u + du) + i(v + dv)
Now f z z f z
since dz can approach zero along any path.
(a) Along real axis (x-axis)
 z = x + iy but on x-axis, y = 0
\ z = x, dz = dx, dy = 0
Putting these values in (1), we have


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