computer network practical file and notes

                            Computer Network Lab Manual File 



List of Experiments in computer network 

Page no. 


Basic PC interconnection 



creating LAN segment 



ARP Protocol 






FTP Protocol connectivity and see the directory 



STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) by default bridge root 




STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) customize bridge root 



RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 




Router to pc connection 




OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) 










Practical No: 1 

Aim: Basic PC interconnection 

Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen (for two PC’s do this step twice). 


Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; we use cross-over wire to connect similar devices. 

Select Connections from the bottom toolbar, and select cross-over wire (that is the fourth wire). 

A Cross-Over Wire is largely used to connect the computing gadgets, additionally, cross wire cables are used to connect devices of equal type. 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0) and select FastEthernet0. 

Then, drag the wire to the other pc (here PC1) and do the same. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to both the PCs (PC0 & PC1). 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 

Click on PC0. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select Desktop and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 

























Practical No:  

Aim: creating LAN segment  

Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, with switch we require a wire; we use straight through wire to connect different devices. 

After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0,pc1,pc2,pc3,lap0,lap1,) and select FastEthernet0. 


Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to three pcs and two laptops  

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 








Practical No:  

Aim: ARP Protocol  

ARP Protocol use Ip address to mac address(physical address) 

Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, with switch we require a wire; we use straight through wire to connect different devices. 

After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0,pc1,pc2,pc3,) and select FastEthernet0. 




Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to three pcs and two laptops  

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 





Practical No: 4 

Aim :Switch  

Connection between pc laptop and server 

Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, with switch we require a wire; we use straight through wire to connect different devices. 

After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0,pc1,lap0,switch, server PT server0) and select Fast Ethernet. 



Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to two pcs and one laptops  

We have successfully connected one laptop , Server PT server0,and two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected one laptop , Server PT server0,and two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 



Practical No: 5 

Aim: FTP Protocol connectivity and see the directory 

Transits the files from one hosts to another 

Can be used for downloading the files to computer from other servers. 

Sharing of files 

FTP connectivity and see the directory 

FTP Client it is a program, implementation a file transferrring between two hosts. 

Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC0’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC, with switch we require a wire; we use straight through wire to connect different devices. 

After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0,switch, server PT server0) and select Fast Ethernet. 




Step3 :We go to server service for ftp connectivity to set password and username 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to  pc  

We have successfully connected one PC0 and switch and Server PT server0,. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 


Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected one PC0 , Server PT server0,and switch0, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 
























Practical No: 6 

AIM :STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) by default bridge root 

Switch do broadcast 

STP stop multiple copy it stop the loop 

Slecting the root bridge 

Slecting the root port 

Slecting lower id 

Slecting designated port and non-designated port 

Ports are two forwarding(designated port) ports and block ports(non forwarding port) 




Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select Switch and then click on the screen (for three PC’s do this step three). 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; we use cross-over wire to connect similar devices. 

In this loop default block port here. And one root bridge  

Select Connections from the bottom toolbar, and select cross-over wire (that is the fourth wire). 

A Cross-Over Wire is largely used to connect the computing gadgets, additionally, cross wire cables are used to connect devices of equal type. 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the Switch and select FastEthernet0. 


Then, drag the wire to the other switch and do the same. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to three switchs. 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 

Click on switch. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select cli and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 

















Practical No: 7 

AIM: STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) customize bridge root 

Check priority but priorty is all same then we check mac address. 

Comparing mac address of switches 

Dp opposite Rp /Block 



Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select Switch and then click on the screen (for three PC’s do this step three). 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; we use cross-over wire to connect similar devices. 

In this loop default block port here. And one root bridge  

We change the priority and make the block port switch root bridge 

Select Connections from the bottom toolbar, and select cross-over wire (that is the fourth wire). 

A Cross-Over Wire is largely used to connect the computing gadgets, additionally, cross wire cables are used to connect devices of equal type. 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the Switch and select FastEthernet0. 

Then, drag the wire to the other switch and do the same. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to three switches. 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 


Click on switch. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select cli and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 




















Practical No: 8 

AIM :RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 

RIP is a distance vector routing protocol. 

It is open standard protocol. 

It uses hop count as metric to find the best path from source network to destination network. 

Rip select that have less hop according to rip that was best that have less hop. 

It has a maximum hop count of 15 hops if 16 come then unreachable. 

It sends periodic routing updates every 30 seconds 

It uses the Bellman-Ford Distance vector algorithm to determine the best route. Means less the hop then select that one 

It is used in small networks. 



Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; by automatically choose wire. We connect switch with router and router with pc. 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0) and select FastEthernet0. 

And serial port. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to both the PCs . 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 


Click on PC0. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select Desktop and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers. 

Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 

Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 




















Practical No: 9 

AIM: Router to pc connection 

If you don’t have serial port then add 

Automatically choose connection type wire 

Router click->switch off->WI-2T hold and put in black rectangle->switch on 

Router to Router serial DCE wire 

If we want to send information from one system to another then we use RIP protocol 


Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen . 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; by automatically choose wire. We connect switch with router and router with pc. 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0) and select FastEthernet0. 

And serial port. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to both the PCs . 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 


Click on PC0. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select Desktop and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers. 


Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 


Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 





















Practical No: 10 

Aim: OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) 

This is dynamic-routing protocol means it can auto path decision  

This is standers routing protocol  

OSPF is used to find the best path between the source and the destination. 

It use Dijkstra’s algorithms this see cost of source to destination and which path is shortest then he decide that path. 

Router to router connection by serial DCE 

Serial port click router->switch off->WIC-2T hold->put the black rectangle near switch->switch on 

Connection between pc and switch and router by atomically choose connection type wire 

Wild mask inverse of sub mask 


Step 1: From the bottom toolbar, click on ‘End Devices’ and select ‘PC’ and then click on the screen (for two PC’s do this step twice). 

Step 2: Now to connect the PC’s, we require a wire; we use automatically choose wire connection 

Connect to the router R0 and  R1 and connect the router to switch and switch to pc0 similar step with another pcs . 

Step 3: After selecting the wire click on the computer on the screen(here PC0) and select FastEthernet0. 

And serial port serial 0/2 and connect other serial ports 

Then, drag the wire to the other pc (here PC1) and do the same. 

Step 4: Now, we will assign the IP address to both the PCs (PC0 & PC1). 

We use OSPF protocol 

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is nothing but the numerical designation of the devices connected to the network, that use the Internet protocol as a communication medium. 


Click on PC0. A dialog box will appear on the screen, select Desktop and then select IP configuration : 

We have successfully connected two computers and router. 


Now to check this, we will transfer data from one computer to another and check whether the transfer is successful or not. To do so follow the below steps: 


Step 1: From the Secondary Toolbar at the top, select ‘Add sample PDU’ that is the second last icon. 

Now if in Realtime box- PDU list window it shows successful, that means all the connections are correct and the data transfer is successful 

You have successfully connected two computers, using the virtual program Cisco Packet Tracer. 



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