Car parking program in c++

 This code for car parking

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <iostream>

#define CAR 1

#define SCOOTER 2

/* to store vehicle number, and its

   row-col position in an array */

struct vehicle


 int num ;

 int row ;

 int col ;

  int type ;

} ;

int parkinfo[4][10] ; /* a 2-D array to store number of vehicle parked */

int vehcount ; /* to store total count of vehicles */

int carcount ; /* stores total count of cars */

int scootercount ; /* stores total count of scooters */

void display( ) ;

void changecol ( struct vehicle * ) ;

struct vehicle * add ( int, int, int, int ) ;

void del ( struct vehicle * ) ;

void getfreerowcol ( int, int * ) ;

void getrcbyinfo ( int, int, int * ) ;

void show( ) ;

/* decrements the col. number by one

   this fun. is called when the data is

   shifted one place to left */

void changecol ( struct vehicle *v )


 v -> col = v -> col - 1 ;


/* adds a data of vehicle */

struct vehicle * add ( int t, int num, int row, int col )


    struct vehicle *v ;

    v = ( struct vehicle * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct vehicle ) ) ;

    v -> type = t ;

    v -> row = row ;

    v -> col = col ;

   if ( t == CAR )

      carcount++ ;


     scootercount++ ;

    vehcount++ ;

   parkinfo[row][col] = num ;

    return v ;


/* deletes the data of the specified

   car from the array, if found */

void del ( struct vehicle *v )


  int c ;

 for ( c = v -> col ; c < 9 ; c++ )

   parkinfo[v -> row][c] = parkinfo[v -> row][c+1] ;

 parkinfo[v -> row][c] = 0 ;

 if ( v -> type == CAR )

    carcount-- ;


    scootercount-- ;

 vehcount-- ;


/* get the row-col position for the vehicle to be parked */

void getfreerowcol ( int type, int *arr )


  int r, c, fromrow = 0, torow = 2 ;

  if ( type == SCOOTER )


    fromrow += 2 ;

    torow += 2 ;


 for ( r = fromrow ; r < torow ; r++ )


  for ( c = 0 ; c < 10 ; c++ )


   if ( parkinfo[r][c] == 0 )


    arr[0] = r ;

    arr[1] = c ;

        return ;




 if ( r == 2 || r == 4 )


    arr[0] = -1 ;

    arr[1] = -1 ;



/* get the row-col position for the vehicle with specified number */

void getrcbyinfo ( int type, int num, int *arr )


  int r, c, fromrow = 0, torow = 2 ;

  if ( type == SCOOTER )


    fromrow += 2 ;

    torow += 2 ;


 for ( r = fromrow ; r < torow ; r++ )


  for ( c = 0 ; c < 10 ; c++ )


   if ( parkinfo[r][c] == num )


    arr[0] = r ;

    arr[1] = c ;

        return ;




 if ( r == 2 || r == 4 )


  arr[0] = -1 ;

  arr[1] = -1 ;



/* displays list of vehicles parked */

void display( )


  int r, c ;

  printf ( "Cars ->\n" ) ;

  for ( r = 0 ; r < 4 ; r++ )


    if ( r == 2 )

    printf ( "Scooters ->\n" ) ;

    for ( c = 0 ; c < 10 ; c++ )

      printf ( "%d\t", parkinfo[r][c] ) ;

    printf ( "\n" ) ;



int main( )


 int choice, type, number, row = 0, col = 0 ;

 int i, tarr[2] ;

 int finish = 1 ;

 /* creates a 2-D array of car and scooter class */

 struct vehicle *car[2][10] ;

 struct vehicle *scooter[2][10] ;

  system ( "cls" ) ;

 /* displays menu and calls corresponding functions */

 while ( finish )


    system ( "cls" ) ;

  printf ( "\nCar Parking\n" ) ;

  printf ( "1. Arrival of a vehicle\n" ) ;

  printf ( "2. Total no. of vehicles parked\n" ) ;

  printf ( "3. Total no. of cars parked\n" ) ;

  printf ( "4. Total no. of scooters parked\n" ) ;

  printf ( "5. Display order in which vehicles are parked\n" ) ;

  printf ( "6. Departure of vehicle\n" ) ;

  printf ( "7. Exit\n" ) ;

  scanf ( "%d", &choice ) ;

  switch ( choice )


   case 1 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "\nAdd: \n" ) ;

          type = 0 ;

          /* check for vehicle type */

          while ( type != CAR && type != SCOOTER )


       printf ( "Enter vehicle type (1 for Car / 2 for Scooter ): \n" ) ;

            scanf ( "%d", &type ) ;

           if ( type != CAR && type != SCOOTER )

        printf ( "\nInvalid vehicle type.\n" ) ;


      printf ( "Enter vehicle number: " ) ;

      scanf ( "%d", &number ) ;

      /* add cars' data */

      if ( type == CAR || type == SCOOTER )


       getfreerowcol ( type, tarr ) ;

       if ( tarr[0] != -1 && tarr[1] != -1 )


        row = tarr[0] ;

        col = tarr[1] ;

              if ( type == CAR )

                car[row][col] = add ( type, number, row, col ) ;


         scooter[row - 2][col] = add ( type, number, row, col ) ; ;




              if ( type == CAR )

                printf ( "\nNo parking slot free to park a car\n" ) ;


                printf ( "\nNo parking slot free to park a scooter\n" ) ;





            printf ( "Invalid type\n" ) ;

       break ;


          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

      case 2 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "Total vehicles parked: %d\n", vehcount ) ;

          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

   case 3 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "Total cars parked: %d\n", carcount ) ;

          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

   case 4 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "Total scooters parked: %d\n", scootercount ) ;

          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

   case 5 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "Display\n" ) ;

      display( ) ;

          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

   case 6 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

      printf ( "Departure\n" ) ;

          type = 0 ;

          /* check for vehicle type */

          while ( type != CAR && type != SCOOTER )


       printf ( "Enter vehicle type (1 for Car / 2 for Scooter ): \n" ) ;

            scanf ( "%d", &type ) ;

           if ( type != CAR && type != SCOOTER )

        printf ( "\nInvalid vehicle type.\n" ) ;


      printf ( "Enter number: " ) ;

      scanf ( "%d", &number ) ;

      if ( type == CAR || type == SCOOTER )


       getrcbyinfo ( type, number, tarr ) ;

       if ( tarr[0] != -1 && tarr[1] != -1 )


              col = tarr [1] ;

              /* if the vehicle is car */

              if ( type == CAR )


                row = tarr [0] ;

               del ( car [row][col] ) ;

         for ( i = col ; i < 9 ; i++ )


          car[row][i] = car[row][i + 1] ;

          changecol ( car[row][i] ) ;


                free ( car[row][i] ) ;

         car[row][i] = NULL ;


        /* if a vehicle is scooter */



                row = tarr[0] - 2 ;

         if ( ! ( row < 0 ) )


          del ( scooter[row][col] ) ;

          for ( i = col ; i < 9 ; i++ )


           scooter[row][i] = scooter[row][i + 1] ;

           changecol ( scooter[row][col] ) ;


          scooter[row][i] = NULL ;






              if ( type == CAR )

         printf ( "\nInvalid car number, or a car with such number has not been parked here.\n" ) ;


                printf ( "\nInvalid scooter number, or a scooter with such number has not been parked here.\n" ) ;



          printf ( "\nPress any key to continue..." ) ;

          getch( ) ;

      break ;

   case 7 :

          system ( "cls" ) ;

          for ( row = 0 ; row < 2 ; row++ )


            for ( col = 0 ; col < 10 ; col++ )


              if ( car[row][col] -> num != 0 )

                free ( car[row][col] ) ;

              if ( scooter[row][col] -> num != 0 )

         free ( scooter[row+2][col] ) ;



      finish = 0 ;

      break ;



  return 0 ;



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