Insertion and deletion in middle program in c++

 // Program to delete middle element of a linked list

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Node in a linked list

struct Node {

    int val;

    struct Node* next;


// counting the number of nodes present in the list

int count_nodes(struct Node* head)


    int n_count = 0;

    while (head != NULL) {

        head = head->next;



    return n_count;


// returns head of the newly formed list

// after deleting the middle element.

struct Node* delete_middle(struct Node* head)


    if (head == NULL)

        return NULL;

    if (head->next == NULL) {

        delete head;

        return NULL;


    struct Node* Head_copy = head;

    // total nodes currently there in the list

    int count = count_nodes(head);

    // position of middle element in the list

    int mid = count / 2;

    // Delete the middle node

    while (mid-- > 1) {

        head = head->next;


    // Delete the middle node

    head->next = head->next->next;

    return Head_copy;


// Function to display the list

void display_List(struct Node* x)


    while (x != NULL) {

        cout << x->val << "->";

        x = x->next;


    // Last element points to null

    cout << "NULL\n";


// function to create a new node.

Node* newNode(int value)


    struct Node* t = new Node;

    t->val = value;

    t->next = NULL;

    return t;


// Driver Function

int main()


    // Adding elements to the empty list

    struct Node* head = newNode(5);

    head->next = newNode(10);

    head->next->next = newNode(15);

    head->next->next->next = newNode(20);

     head->next->next->next->next = newNode(25);

    cout << "Original List" << endl;


    head = delete_middle(head);

    cout << "List after deleting the middle element"

 << endl;


    return 0;



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