java program

1.create a abstract class Acounts with the following details: data members: (a) balance (b) accountholder (c) acountholderName (d) address

 Method: a. withdrawal () b. deposit () c. display create a subclass of this class SavingAcount and add the following details Data Members: a.rateofInterest Method a. calculateAmount() b. display () create object of these two classes and call their methods. use appropriate constructors.

 abstract class Accounts {

  // Data members

  protected double balance;

  protected String accountholder;

  protected String accountholderName;

  protected String address;

  // Constructor to initialize data members

  public Accounts(double balance, String accountholder, String accountholderName, String address)


    this.balance = balance;

    this.accountholder = accountholder;

    this.accountholderName = accountholderName;

    this.address = address;


  // Abstract methods

  public abstract void withdrawal(double amount);

  public abstract void deposit(double amount);

  public abstract void display();


public class SavingAccount extends Accounts 


  // Data member

  double rateofInterest;

  // Constructor to initialize data members from the superclass and this class

   SavingAccount(double balance, String accountholder, 

   String accountholderName, String address, double rateofInterest) 


    // Call the constructor of the superclass using super

    super(balance, accountholder, accountholderName, address);

    // Initialize the data member of this class

    this.rateofInterest = rateofInterest;


  // Method to calculate the amount in the account after a certain period of time

  void calculateAmount(int years) 


    balance += balance * rateofInterest * years / 100;



  // Implement the abstract methods of the superclass


  public void withdrawal(double amount)


    balance -= amount;



  public void deposit(double amount)


    balance += amount;



  public void display() 


    System.out.println("Account holder name: " + accountholderName);

    System.out.println("Account holder address: " + address);

    System.out.println("Account balance: " + balance);

    System.out.println("Rate of interest: " + rateofInterest);




  public static void main(String[] args)


    SavingAccount sa =new SavingAccount(5000,"lam","jam", "delhi", 0.5);//double balance, String accountholder, 

    //String accountholderName, String address, double rateofInterest





2.create a class complex  which should be able to multiply two complex numbers. the class should have a constructor to initialize its variable using this keyword. you will be passing the second complex variable as object in the method of the first object to initiate operation for example, ob1.mul(ob2);

public class Complex


    double c3;

   private double real;

   private double imaginary;

   // Constructor to initialize the real and imaginary parts of the complex number

   public Complex(double real, double imaginary) {

       this.real = real;

       this.imaginary = imaginary;


   // Method to multiply two complex numbers

   public Complex multiply(Complex other) {

       // Multiply the real parts and subtract the product of the imaginary parts

       double real = this.real * other.real - this.imaginary * other.imaginary;

       // Multiply the real part of one complex number by the imaginary part of the other, and

       // multiply the imaginary part of one complex number by the real part of the other, then

       // add those two products together

       double imaginary = this.real * other.imaginary + this.imaginary * other.real;

       // Return a new Complex object with the result of the multiplication

       return new Complex(real, imaginary);



   public static void main(String[]args) 


       Complex c1 = new Complex(1, 2);

Complex c2 = new Complex(3, 4);

//Complex c3=c1.multiply(c2);

System.out.println("c1: " + c1 + " + " + c1 + "i");

System.out.println("c2: " + c2 + " + " + c2 + "i");



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