Create employee table update employee table and select and alter table employee and update department and alter table department

 Create employee table**

create table employee(eid int,ename varchar2(12),age int, city varchar2(20),salary int);

insert into employee values(1,'ramesh',32,'ahmedabad',2000);

insert into employee values(2,'khilan',25,'delhi',3000);

insert into employee values(3,'khaushik',26,'bangalore',4000);

insert into employee values(4,'chitali',32,'chennai',5000);

insert into employee values(5,'hardik',31,'gurugram',2000);

insert into employee values(6,'komal',27,'idore',1000);

insert into employee values(7,'muffy',28,'bhopal',3000);


update employee

set ename='ramesh gupta',


where eid=1;

 select* from employee;

Query 2*

update employee

set age=29

where salary=4000;

 select*from employee;

alter table employee
add phoneno number(10);

update employee

set phoneno=9823123423

where eid=1;

update employee

set phoneno=9323123425

where eid=2;

update employee

set phoneno=9873124523

where eid=3;

update employee

set phoneno=9853723423

where eid=4;

update employee

set phoneno=9824123421

where eid=5;

update employee

set phoneno=9626123423

where eid=6;

update employee

set phoneno=9823523426

where eid=7;

select*from employee;

Create department table**

create table department(eid int,ename varchar2(10),department varchar2(10),contactno number(10));

insert into department values(101,'isha','e101',9817127844);

insert into department values(102,'priya','e104',9887127544);

insert into department values(103,'neha','e105',9887137554);

insert into department values(104,'rahul','e102',9847337554);

insert into department values(105,'abhishek','e101',8787337554);

Query 4*

SELECT*from department

where department='e104' 



Query 5*

update department

set ename='isha yadav'

where eid=101;

select*from department;


delete from department 

where ename='abhishek';

select*from department;

Query 7*

alter table department

add departmentname varchar2(10);

update department

set departmentname='cse'

where department='e101';

update department

set departmentname='me'

where department='e102';

update department

set departmentname='ba'

where department='e104';

update department

set departmentname='ec'

where department='e105';

select*from department;


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