Database management system (DBMS ) practical file

Practical 1

Aim->To understand the basic concepts of RDBMS

SQL->standerd for structure query language it is a standard language it is dealing with reletional database basically it is query language for store in reletional database intially we are say squeal but after 1986 we call it SQL

Characteristics of SQL

1)      It is easy to learn

2)      It is use to access the data from reletional database

3)      It can execute query such as creating the table manuplating, updating, deleting, inserting

4)      It is also allows the user to set permission on the table

Advantage of SQL

1)      High speed->user can quickly and efficiently retrieve a large amount of records from a database.

2)      No coding needed->it is very easy to manage the database system. It doesn’t require a substantial amount of code to manage the database system.

3)      Well defined standards->the SQL databases that are being used by ISO and ANSI.

4)      Portability->can be used in laptop, PCs, server and even some mobile phones.

5)      Interactive language->SQL is a domain language used to communicate with the database.

6)      Multiple data view->the users can make different views of the database structure.


Row-> is called tupple

Column-> is called attribute

E.F. code-> code discovered reletional database for mysql,orcal,ms access,IBM supports RDBMS

Type of SQL statement-> 1)DML(stands for Data Manipulation Language) is used for accessing and manuplating data in a database

The Commands which lies in DML

·        Insert->create a new record

·        Update->it modify the record

·        Delete->delete record

2)DDL(Stand for Data Definitions Language)->used by the DBA and database designers to specify the conceptual schema of a database

The commands which lies in DDL

·        Create->create a database

·        Alter->modify the exist in table

·        Drop->deleting the entire table

DCL(Data Control language)->the language use to control the acess of the data store in the database the opretions include previleges that can be branded two statement

•grant->(giving the permission)                giving the privilege to acess the   •revoke-> means taking the permission previlege

DQL(Data Query language)->it is language retrieving data from the database

·        Select-> retrieving data

TCL(Transaction Control Language)-> is language use for transaction


·        Comite->command is used to permanently save any transaction into the database.

·        Rollback->command is used to restore the database for the last committed state.

·        Savepoint->command is used to temporarily save a transaction so that you can roll back to that point whenever necessary.

The term use in reletional database

·        Stable or reletion->collection of row and column

·        Record or tupple->each row in database is  record

·        Column->column name specify the vertical entity with respect which information is column

·        Domain->it is a set of permitted value for an attribute in a table

·        Instance or schema->it describe the structure of the table at database.

·        Schema-> overall design of database this is unique key identifier for any table

è Customer table











Oracal is most pormink RDBMS develop 1977 till different versions release

Practical 2

Aim:-To perform basics SQL commands

SQL data types

·        String->1)char->it store string values cantaining any character in a character set.

2) Varchar->it store string values containing any characters in a character setset but of variable length

3)BLOB-> it store binary strings in hexa decimal format (for large values)

·        Number->1)int->it store exect numbers with a predefine presigen

2)temporal->it used to store the time stamp values

·        Boolean->true and false

·        Varchar2->string and number both sports.

Create->purpose the create table cammand is used to create a new table in the database

*1)Create table table name

(column name data type (size),

Column name data type (size),column name data type (size)); example

Create table student(

Name varchar2(21),

Rollno varchar2(8),

Address varchar2 (20));

*2) Insert into-> the insert in to statement (commands) in sql is used to insert a new row in table.

Insert into table name values(value 1, value 2, value 3);

Example->1st row-> insert into student values(‘rohit',210104,’sec-55’);

2ndrow-> insert into student values (‘raj’,210105,’sec-47’);

*1)Select statement->the select command is used to retrieve the data from the database

Example->select*from student;

*2)fetch specific column

Select column1, column 2 from table name;

Practice->table name->client

Client no.







Balance due



Thomash street








Vigyan street








Dayal street








Gelf course








Auring street

Shastri Nagar





Input code

Create table client (clientno varchar2(5),name varchar2(10),address1 varchar2(20),address2 varchar2(10),city varchar2(15),pincode int,state varchar2(20),balancedue int);

Insert into client values('c0001 ','ajay','thomash street','pawai','mumbai',122004,'maharatra',1500);

Insert into client values ('c0002 ','ram','vigyan street','pukter','jaipur',122011,'rajesjthan',1600);

Insert into client values ('c0003 ','anil','dayal street','rohin’,’delhi’,123022,’delhi’,2000);

Insert into client values (‘c0004’,’rashmi’,’gelf course’,’extension’,’gurgoan’,122001,’haryana’,4000);

Insert into client values (‘c0005’,’ankit’,’auring street’,’shastrinagar’,’meerut’,122051,’uterpardesh’,4500);

Output code

Select*from client;

**Where clause-> the where clause is used to filter the records basically it is used to extract only those records that full filled a specified condition

Example-> select column1, column 2,...

From table name

Where condition;

**What condition**

Operator    Discription

=.                  Equal to

>        Greater than

<.       Less than

>=.    Greater than or equal to

<=.    Less than or equal to

!=.     Not equal to

Q1 display all the records where balancedue is less than 2000

Select*from client where balancedue<2000;

Practical 3

Aim-> To understand the basic of SQL oprators (AND,OR,NOT)

1.       SQL AND-> oprator displays a records if all the conditions separated by AND are true syntax:- select column1 ,column2

          From table name

          Where condition1 AND condition2 AND conditionn;*note:-AND if both condition are true then this is true otherwise not be true

2.       SQL OR-> the SQL OR oprator displays a record if any of the condition seprated by OR is true

3.       Syntax:- select column1 ,column2

          From table name

          Where condition1AOR condition2 OR conditionn; *Note-> OR if both condition falls then  OR falls otherwise this is not be falls

4.       SQL NOT-> the NOT oprator displays a records if the condition is not true

Syntax:- select column1, column2

From table name

Where NOT condition;

Create table customer (customerid int,customerName varchar2(10),contctName varchar2(10),address varchar2(10),city varchar2(10),postalcode int,country varchar2(10));


Insert into customer values(1,’alfreds’,’maria’,’obere’,’berlin’,12209,’germany’);


Insert into customer values(2,’ana’,’wistom’,’avda’,’maxico’,1245,’mexico’);


Insert into customer values(3,’antonio’,’joph’,’mataden’,’maxico’,1245,’mexico’);


Insert into customer values(4,’horn’,’rane’,’honas’,’london’,1409,’uk’);


Insert into customer values(5,’bergul’,’mofin’,’bergun’,’lulea’,1502,’sweden’);


Insert into customer values(6,’baunder’,’maje’,’foston’,’mannheim’,1600,’germany’);


Insert into customer values(7,’tim’,’lafin’,’konom’,’strasbourg’,1800,’france’);


Insert into customer values(8,’gilm’,’toson’,’jonsom’,’madrid’,1400,’spain’);

Input for AND

Select*from customer

Where country=’germany'and city='berlin';

Input of OR

Select*from customer

Where city=’berlin’or city=’munchen’;

Input of NOT

Select*from customer

Where not country=’germany’;

Input of AND/OR both

Select*from customer

Where country=’germany’and(city=’berlin’or city=’munchen’);

Practical 4

Aim-> To perform lab exercise on the unary operators (select and project)

Theory->1) select -> the first operater is the select oprator the select oprator is used to choose the subject of the tupple from reletion that satisfy a given condition

2)Project-> the project is used to select certain columns from the table and discart rest of the column basically with the help project we carry out vertical partition

This is by sql

Project->eliminates columns    

Select-> eliminates rows.

Create employee table

create table employee (employeeid int,employeeName varchar2(10),departmentName varchar2(10),salary int);


insert into employee values(10101,'srinivas','mechanical',65000);


insert into employee values(10102,'arjun','it',64000);


insert into employee values(10103,'ram','hr',70000);

Query1->select*from employee

where employeeid=10102;

Query2->select employeename,salary

from employee

where employeeid=10102;

Query3->select*from employee

where salary=64000 and departmentname='it'

Create instructor table

create table instructors (Name varchar2(10),department varchar2(10),salary int);

insert into instructors values('anuj','physics',90000);

insert into instructors values('ram','mechnical',75000);

insert into instructors values('sahil','science',80000);

insert into instructors values('ankit','math',50000);

insert into instructors values('shruti','dames',60000);

Query 1->select*from instructors 
where department='physics';

Query 2->select*from instructors

where salary>80000;

Query 3->select*from instructors

where salary>60000 and department='physics';

Query 4->select name,department
from instructors

where department='mechnical';

Create Customer table

create table customer (customerid varchar2(10), Name varchar2(10),city varchar2(10));

insert into customer values('c10100','steve','agra');

insert into customer values('c10111','raghu','agra');

insert into customer values('c10115','charu','noida');

insert into customer values('c10117','ajeet','delhi');

insert into customer values('c10118','carl','delhi');

Query1->select name,customerid
from customer
where city='agra'and customerid='c10100';

Query2->select name,city

from customer;

Create student table-> create table student (rollno int,name varchar2(10),age int);

insert into student values(1,'aman',20);

insert into student values(2,'atul',20);

insert into student values(3,'baljeet',20);

insert into student values(4,'harsh',20);

insert into student values(5,'prateek',20);

insert into student values(6,'pratham',20);

Query 1->select*from student

where age=20 and rollno=4;

Query 2->select name

from student;

Practical 5

Aim->To perform the basic sql commands:-

1)      Order by->In  the sql order by clause is used to short the data in ascending or descending order base on one or more column the basic syntax of the order by->

Select column list

From table name

Where condition

Order by column1..columnN;

By default order by clause is always ascending order

But if you want to decreasing order then the order by desc;

2)      Distinct-> the select distinct command is used to return only the distinct values (distinct mean different values) in order to remove duplicate values be applie the distinct command

Syntax of distinct command

Select distinct column1,...columnN

From table name;

**Creating employees table**

create table employees(id int,name varchar2(10),age int,address varchar2(10),salary int);

insert into employees values(1,'ramesh',32,'ahmedabad',2000);

insert into employees values(1,'khilan',25,'delhi',1500);

insert into employees values(1,'khaushik',23,'kota',2000);

insert into employees values(1,'chitali',25,'mumbai',6500);

insert into employees values(1,'hardik',27,'bhopal',8500);

insert into employees values(1,'komal',22,'mp',4500);

insert into employees values(1,'muffy',24,'indore',9000);

insert into employees values(1,'muffy',23,'chennai',2100);

Query 1->select salary

from employees

order by salary;

Query2->select distinct name

from employees;

Query3->select * from employee

where address='indore';

Query4->select id,name,salary

from employees

where salary>2000;

Query5->select *from employees

where name='ramesh'or name='khilan';

Query 6->select *from employees

where address!='bhopal';

Practical 6

Aim-> To implement the concept of joins in sql 1)inner join 2) outer join

Basic introduction-join

-inner join and its types

-outer join and its types

Join->A JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them.

Inner join-> records that have matching values in both tables

Left outer join-> all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table

Right outer join-> Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table

Full outer join->Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table

Create table1->create table orders ( orderid int, customerid int, orderdate varchar2(10));

insert into orders values(10308,2,'18-9-21');

insert into orders values(10309,37,'21-10-21');

insert into orders values(10310,77,'1-01-21');

Create table2->create table customer ( customerid int,customername varchar2(20), contactname varchar2(20), country varchar2(20));

insert into customer values(1,'alex','maria','germany');

insert into customer values(2,'frido','helen','mexico');

insert into customer values(3,'thomas','rose','mexica');

Query1->SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customer.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate

FROM Orders


ON Orders.CustomerID=Customer.CustomerID;

Query2->SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customer.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate

FROM Orders

left join Customer

ON Orders.CustomerID=Customer.CustomerID;

Query3->SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customer.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate

FROM Orders

right join Customer

ON Orders.CustomerID=Customer.CustomerID;

Query4->SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customer.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate

FROM Orders

full join Customer

ON Orders.CustomerID=Customer.CustomerID;

Practical 7

Aim-> write the sql queries to amplement lab exercise-joins

Create table employee (employeeid int,fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(15),age int, phoneno int, address varchar2 (20));

Insert into employee values(1,'vardhan','kumar',22,9812467899,'delhi');

Insert into employee values(2,'himani','sharma',32,9814126771,'mumbai');

Insert into employee values(3,'aayushi','shresth',24,9991261721,'kolkata');

Insert into employee values(4,'hemanth','sharma',25,9996172121,'banglore');

Insert into employee values(5,'sewathi','kapoor',26,9812161712,'hydrabad');


Create table projects (projectid int, employeeid int, clientid int, projectname varchar2 (4));

Insert into projects values (111,4,3,'p1');

Insert into projects values (222,2,1,'p2');

Insert into projects values (333,3,5,'p3');

Insert into projects values (444,3,2,'p4');


Select employee.employeeid, employee.fname, employee.lname, employee.age, employee.phoneno, employee.address, projects.projectid, projects.clientid, projects.projectname

From employee

Inner join projects on employee.employeeid=projects.employeeid;


Select employee.employeeid, employee.fname, employee.lname, employee.age, employee.phoneno, employee.address, projects.projectid, projects.clientid, projects.projectname

From employee

Left join projects on employee.employeeid=projects.employeeid;


Select employee.employeeid, employee.fname, employee.lname, employee.age, employee.phoneno, employee.address, projects.projectid, projects.clientid, projects.projectname

From employee

Right join projects on employee.employeeid=projects.employeeid;


Select employee.employeeid, employee.fname, employee.lname, employee.age, employee.phoneno, employee.address, projects.projectid, projects.clientid, projects.projectname

From employee

Full join projects on employee.employeeid=projects.employeeid;

Practical 8

Aim->to implement the concept of constraints on the given table using sql

1)      NOT NULL Constraint->The not null constraint enforces a column to NOT accept NULL values.

create table customers(cid int not null,fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(10));

insert into customers values('','ram','sony');   

2)Unique constraint-The unique constraint ensures that all values in a column are different

Create table customers(cid int,fname varchar2(10)unique,lname varchar2(10));

insert into customers values('1','ram','suma');

insert into customers values('2','rahul','sony');

insert into customers values('3','rahul','shima');

3)Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values.

create table emloyee(cid int primary key,fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(10));

insert into employee values('1','ram','raghav');

insert into customers values('1','shyam','jham');

insert into customers values('','shyam','jham');

  Foreign key->The foreign key constraint is used to prevent actions that would destroy links between tables.


( supplier_id numeric(10) not null,

  Supplier_name varchar2(50) not null,

  Contact_name varchar2(50),

  PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id)




( product_id numeric(10) not null,

  Supplier_id numeric(10) not null,


    FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id)

    REFERENCES supplier(supplier_id)


Insert into supplier values(1,’rohan’,’jony’,):

Insert into products values(101,1);

Insert into supplier values(2,’shyam’,’jony’);

Insert into products values(102,2);

Insert into supplier values(3,’shy’,’jha’);

Insert into products values(103,3);

Insert into products values(104,4);


4)Check Constraint-> If you define a check constraint on a column it will allow only certain values for this column

create table person(pid int not null,fname varchar2(10),lname varchar2(10), age int check(age>=18));

insert into person values(1,'rohan','singh',17);

Practical 9

Aim-> to perform the basic SQL commands udate, delete, alter,drop and truncate, between

1)      SQL Update ->The update statement is used to modify the existing records in a table.

Syntax:-UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...

WHERE condition;

2)Alter->The alter table statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

Syntax:- Alter table table_name add column_name datatype(size);

a)alter delete-> delete a column in a table


alter table table name

Delete column column name;

3) Between->The between operator selects values within a given range. The between operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included

Syntax:-select column_name(s) from table_name where column_name between value1 and value2;

4) Delete->The delete statement is used to delete existing records in a table.

Syntax:- delete from table_name;

Delete the specific row from the table

Syntax:- delete from table_name where condition;

5)Drop->The drop table statement is used to remove an existing table in a database.

6) truncate->A truncate SQL statement is used to remove all rows (complete data) from a table.

Syntax:- truncate table tablename; 

Create employee table

create table employee(eid int,ename varchar2(12),age int, city varchar2(20),salary int);

insert into employee values(1,'ramesh',32,'ahmedabad',2000);

insert into employee values(2,'khilan',25,'delhi',3000);

insert into employee values(3,'khaushik',26,'bangalore',4000);

insert into employee values(4,'chitali',32,'chennai',5000);

insert into employee values(5,'hardik',31,'gurugram',2000);

insert into employee values(6,'komal',27,'idore',1000);

insert into employee values(7,'muffy',28,'bhopal',3000);

Query 1

update employee

set ename='ramesh gupta',


where eid=1;

 select* from employee;

Query 2

update employee

set age=29

where salary=4000;

 select*from employee;

Query 3

alter table employee

add phoneno number(10);

select*from employee;

update employee

set phoneno=9823123423

where eid=1;

update employee

set phoneno=9323123425

where eid=2;

update employee

set phoneno=9873124523

where eid=3;

update employee

set phoneno=9853723423

where eid=4;

update employee

set phoneno=9824123421

where eid=5;

update employee

set phoneno=9626123423

where eid=6;

update employee

set phoneno=9823523426

where eid=7;

Select*from employee;

Create department table

create table department(eid int,ename varchar2(10),department varchar2(10),contactno number(10));

insert into department values(101,'isha','e101',9817127844);

insert into department values(102,'priya','e104',9887127544);

insert into department values(103,'neha','e105',9887137554);

insert into department values(104,'rahul','e102',9847337554);

insert into department values(105,'abhishek','e101',8787337554);

Query 4

SELECT*from department

where department='e104'



Query 5

update department

set ename='isha yadav'

where eid=101;

select*from department;

Query 6

delete from department

where ename='abhishek';

select*from department;

Query 7

alter table department

add departmentname varchar2(10);

update department

set departmentname='cse'

where department='e101';

update department

set departmentname='me'

where department='e102';

update department

set departmentname='ba'

where department='e104';

update department

set departmentname='ec'

where department='e105';

select*from department;

Practical 10

Aim->To perform the explanation of the following concepts

A)      Mysql, Oracle,Db2,sql server

B)      Instruction deletion,sql server injection

MySQL is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS).MySQL is free and open-source.MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications.

  • Use of my sql->MySQL is very fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use
  • MySQL is cross-platform
  • MySQL is compliant with the ANSI SQL standard
  • MySQL was first released in 1995
  • MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation
  • MySQL is named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter: My

Orcal->Oracle database is a relational database management system. It is also called OracleDB, or simply Oracle. It is produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It was created in 1977 by Lawrence Ellison and other engineers. It is one of the most popular relational database engines in the IT market for storing, organizing, and retrieving data.

Use->Oracle database manages data with the help of an open, complete, and integrated approach. The following are features that complete the demand for powerful database management:

Availability: It is never offline or out of service that means supported 24*7 availability of the database.

Security: Oracle has a mechanism for controlling and accessing the database to prevent unauthorized access.

Scalability: It provides features like RAC (Real Application Cluster) and Portability, which makes an Oracle database scalable based on usage.

Performance: Oracle provides performance optimization tools such as Oracle Advanced Compression, Oracle Database In-Memory, Oracle Real Application Testing, and Oracle Times Ten Application-Tier Database Cache. Their main objective is to improve system performance to the highest possible level.

Management: Oracle Multitenant is a database management tool that combines a single container database with many pluggable databases in a consolidated design.

DB2-> DB2 is a database server developed by IBM. It is a Relational Database Management Syatem which is designed to store, analyze and retrieve the data efficiently.

DB2 database supports Object Oriented features and non relational structure with XML.

Use-> DB2 Server, which can run on any authoritative operating systems such as Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

SQL-> is a short-form of the structured query language, and it is pronounced as S-Q-L or sometimes as See-Quell.

This database language is mainly designed for maintaining the data in relational database management systems. It is a special tool used by data professionals for handling structured data (data which is stored in the form of tables). It is also designed for stream processing in RDSMS.

Use->1.NOprogramming needed SQL does not require a large number of coding lines for managing the database systems.

2.High-SpeedQuery Processing ->

A large amount of data is accessed quickly and efficiently from the database by using SQL queries. Insertion, deletion, and updation operations on data are also performed in less time.

3. Standardized Language->

SQL follows the long-established standards of ISO and ANSI, which offer a uniform platform across the globe to all its users.

5.   Portability-> The structured query language can be easily used in desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones.

6.   Interactive language->We can easily learn and understand the SQL language. We can also use this language for communicating with the database because it is a simple query language.

The SQL Injection-> is a code penetration technique that might cause loss to our database. It is one of the most practiced web hacking techniques to place malicious code in SQL statements, via webpage input. SQL injection can be used to manipulate the application's web server by malicious users.

SQL injection generally occurs when we ask a user to input their username/userID. Instead of a name or ID, the user gives us an SQL statement that we will unknowingly run on our database.

Intrusion detection->An IDS is a security system which monitors the computer systems and network traffic. It analyses that traffic for possible hostile attacks originating from the outsider and also for system misuse or attacks originating from the insider. A firewall does a job of filtering the incoming traffic from the internet, the IDS in a similar way compliments the firewall security. Like, the firewall protects an organization sensitive data from malicious attacks over the Internet, the Intrusion detection system alerts the system administrator in the case when someone tries to break in the firewall security and tries to have access on any network in the trusted side.


Aim-> to perform SQL like operator on relational tables

The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.

There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with the  LIKE operator:

  •  The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters
  •  The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character

Syntax-> select column1,column2

From table name

Where column like pattern;


Create table student*

 create table student(studentid int, sname varchar2(10));

insert into student values(1,'akash');

insert into student values(2,'mitali');

insert into student values(3,'sanjay');

insert into student values(5,'sonali');

insert into student values(4,'anuj');

Query 1-> select*from student

where sname

like 'a%';

Query 2->select*from student

where sname

like '%i';

Query 3->select*from student

where sname

like '%an%';

Query4->select*from student

where sname

like '_o%';

Query5->select*from student

where sname

like '__n%';

Query6->select*from student

where sname

like 'a__%';

Query7->select*from student

where sname

like 'm%i';


Aim->to perform the aggregation function in sql

A)MIN()->The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.

B)MAX()->The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.

C)COUNT()-> The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criterion.

D)AVG()->The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric column.

E)SUM()->The SUM() function returns the total sum of a numeric column. 

 Create table employee*

create table employee(eid varchar2(5),ename varchar2(10),age int,city varchar2(15),salary int);

insert into employee values('e001','raj',23,'ahmedabad',2000);

insert into employee values('e002','mohit',23,'delhi',3000);

insert into employee values('e003','daniel',21,'mumbai',4000);

insert into employee values('e004','sania',24,'indore',5000);

insert into employee values('e005','tayal',25,'udaipur',4000);


 Query 1->select min(salary)

from employee;

Query 2->select max(salary)

from employee;

Query 3->select avg(salary)

from employee;

Query4->select sum(salary)

from employee;

Query5->select count(salary)

from employee;



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